When I arrived, I was surprised that I was the first student to arrive in our grade or batch or yeah something similar. When I arrived, I sat down for a bit and after that Miss Lyn told me to unwind the hanging decoration in our booth. It sure was complex to unwind the decorations since the strings on the decoration are thin and it was real windy which made it comeback to its messed up form. After dealing with the problem it gave me sore shoulders. 23 minutes after I arrived, a classmate and bestfriend of mine came, and through out half the day, we decorated the booth, and helped Miss Lyn and the parents make the props for our dance later that day.

By 2 pm that day, My Mother and Brother arrived, I just talked to them for a while and took some photos with them, and after that I went back to my squad and yeah had fun with them through out the day. My Mother just enjoyed the show and my brother on the other hand just went to the canteen and played with his phone ahahahha. After that they went back home but before going home they told me that they would comeback for the dinner. Throughout 3 pm to 5 pm we just talked with each other with my friends and had a good time.

By dinner, we all went to the place where the catering service for the Grade 9 level was put in, served ourselves some food and when we were done, there were no available seats, all seats were taken, so very luckily and crazily, a colleague of ours brought a ginormous bed sheet. I don't know what went through his mind that day but we were definitely thankful to him for bringing that, he saved our life a little ahahahahahha. After that my mother arrived and went to have a dinner as well.
Throughout the Night I just had fun, enjoyed that day of my teenage life :-D.
This was a pretty unusual family day since this was the only family day where my mother was around for a pretty long time. During the previous years, my mom would only be around for like...7 minutes, then she would depart. Its just because she happened to be busy those times. This time, with very nice timing, she didn't have anything to do the whole day. My Father on the other hand, will likely never have a chance to attend a single Family day in my highschool life, since he is always abroad, working, for us ofcourse :-D.
(C. 1/27/19)
Blog Made: (C. 2/2/19)
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